public void showFirstRunWorkspaceCling() {
// Enable the clings only if they have not been dismissed before
if (isClingsEnabled() &&
!mSharedPrefs.getBoolean(Cling.WORKSPACE_CLING_DISMISSED_KEY, false) &&//此处false改为true
!skipCustomClingIfNoAccounts() ) {
// If we're not using the default workspace layout, replace workspace cling
// with a custom workspace cling (usually specified in an overlay)
// For now, only do this on tablets
if (mSharedPrefs.getInt(LauncherProvider.DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_RESOURCE_ID, 0) != 0 &&
getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_useCustomClings)) {
// Use a custom cling
View cling = findViewById(;
ViewGroup clingParent = (ViewGroup) cling.getParent();
int clingIndex = clingParent.indexOfChild(cling);
View customCling = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_workspace_cling, clingParent, false);
clingParent.addView(customCling, clingIndex);
initCling(, null, false, 0);
} else {
public void showFirstRunAllAppsCling(int[] position) {
// Enable the clings only if they have not been dismissed before
if (isClingsEnabled() &&
!mSharedPrefs.getBoolean(Cling.ALLAPPS_CLING_DISMISSED_KEY, false)) {//此处false改为true
initCling(, position, true, 0);
} else {
public Cling showFirstRunFoldersCling() {
// Enable the clings only if they have not been dismissed before
if (isClingsEnabled() &&
!mSharedPrefs.getBoolean(Cling.FOLDER_CLING_DISMISSED_KEY, false)) {//此处false改为true
return initCling(, null, true, 0);
} else {
return null;
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